Home Garden

How to Have a Beautiful Backyard

You naturally want the area in front of your home to look great, but your backyard is just as important. When you create a beautiful backyard, you build an outdoor living space where you and your family will be proud to spend those warm and sunny summer days. The exact elements you choose for your backyard depends on your individual taste and style, but maintaining those elements properly is key to keeping your outdoor landscape looking its best.

Things You'll Need

  • Lawn mower
  • Lawn fertilizer
  • Grass seed
  • Mulch
  • Trees
  • Shrubs
  • Pond
  • Fountain
  • Gazebo
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      Watch where you place backyard pools. Placing a pool in the backyard will kill the grass underneath. If you plan to put a pool in your backyard, choose your spot carefully, make sure the ground is level, and use that same spot year after year.

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      Mow your lawn regularly during the growing season. Avoid mowing the lawn when the ground is excessively dry, since that could damage the grass and encourage it to burn.

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      Fertilize your lawn according to the recommendations for your part of the country. Check with your local nursery for recommendations of the best time to fertilize your lawn, and the best fertilizer for your area.

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      Reseed the lawn as needed, and use fresh grass seed to cover up any bare patches. Watch for worn areas and paths where you walk often, and reseed those areas as needed.

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      Weed your flower beds, and the area around your home,on a regular basis. Weeds can quickly get out of control if you fail to deal with them promptly. Use a quality mulch to reduce the growth of weeds and make the area around your home look better.

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      Choose an assortment of ornamental trees and shrubs for your backyard. Choose species that are well suited to your climate, since those varieties should be hardier and easier to grow.

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      Add a water element to your backyard by putting in a decorative pond or fountain. If you like, you can keep fish in your backyard pond as long as the water does not freeze solid in the winter.

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      Build a gazebo in your backyard, or purchase a ready-made one. Build a path of paving stones from your back door to the backyard gazebo.