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How to Build a Brick Planter on an Uneven Backyard

Vegetable and flower gardens burst into bloom in spring and summer and may last for a single season or many years, depending on plant type. They always require bright sun, healthy soil and quick drainage. If you have a yard with high and low points and a problem with puddling, build your plants a slightly raised garden with bricks and extra soil. Use stakes, twine and a level to ensure straight lines and even depth through the high and low spots.

Things You'll Need

  • Flour
  • Shovel
  • Stakes
  • Twine
  • Level
  • Measuring tape
  • Bricks (60)
  • Garden fork
  • Organic compost
  • Garden loam
  • Fertilizer
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      Start the building process in spring when the ground softens and dries out. Don't try to dig the planter in late summer or fall as hot, dry soil or mud will make construction difficult.

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      Find a site for your brick planter. Choose a location with at least 10 square feet of space where the plants will get full sunshine and good air movement. Measure out the site and mark the borders with flour or rocks.

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      Set stakes at the corners of your planter site to form an outline. Wrap twine around each stake to denote the frame of the planter. Adjust the twine so that it sits 6 inches above the lowest spot in the planter site then adjust the twine throughout the framework to this same height. Use a level to ensure an even, straight height throughout. This line marks the top of your brick wall.

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      Dig the footing for the bricks. Dig a trench 2 to 3 inches wide and 2 inches deep at the lowest point in the planter site. Dig the trench deeper, as necessary, at the high points so that the bottom of the trench measures 8 inches from the twine.

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      Set bricks on end in the trench to build a brick retaining wall. Place the bricks directly next to each other, using 15 bricks per side.

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      Amend and level the soil inside the planter site for better growing conditions. Dig into the top 12 inches of existing soil to loosen it up then rake it to create an even planting surface. Incorporate 3 inches of organic compost and 3 inches of garden loam to raise the soil level. Add 5-10-10 fertilizer for enhanced plant nutrition.