Home Garden

How to Design a Door Gate

A door gate is the finishing touch to your fence. Whether elaborate or simple, it welcomes friends and offers some protection against unwanted visitors. Check with your local zoning laws beforehand to avoid wasting the time designing something the regulations will not let you put in place. Some places have restrictions even on simple decorative picket fences. Take the extra time to plan the design of your gate to ensure that it fits in well with the rest of the fence and your overall landscaping design.

Things You'll Need

  • Fence plans
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      Choose the material of your door gate. Options include using the same material that was used as your fence for a cohesive look or changing it up a bit by introducing a different material. For example, a decorative iron gate set into a wood privacy fence makes the gate stand out more.

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      Design the shape of the door gate. For example, a modern abstract full of curves fits in well in front of a contemporary home or a solid wood elaborately carved door gate welcomes guests to a restored southern mansion.

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      Leave room in the design for accessories that you want to hang from the door gate. For example, an old fashioned bell for guests to ring or a decorative hook for a welcome sign, wind chimes or hanging pot of flowers.

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      Look at different color options before making a final decision. Options include matching the color of the gate to the fence, to the trim around your home's windows and doors or choosing an accent color that is used elsewhere in your landscaping design.

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      Consider incorporating non-traditional elements into your design that express your personality. For example, reusing old bicycle frames as the main element in the gate's design or antique porch posts from an old estate.