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How to Get the Cloudy Film Off Glassware

Nothing can spoil a cool beverage like a cloudy glass. it's harmless, it's not really dirty, but it doesn't make a drink look very appealing. Cloudy glasses are usually caused by calcium carbonate, or hard water deposits, that settle in a thin film over the glass and that even washing by hand won't remove. If your glasses look etched with haze, they need more than soap or elbow grease.

Things You'll Need

  • Cup or dish
  • 1 cup white vinegar
  • Powdered dishwasher detergent
  • Hot water
  • Mild dish soap
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  1. In the Dishwasher

    • 1

      Place a cup or dish with 1 cup of white vinegar on the top rack of your dishwater. Place your glasses on the lower rack.

    • 2

      Pour high-quality dishwasher soap, preferably powdered, into the appropriate receptacle in the dishwasher. Use a little less soap than you normally do. The hot water does the majority of the cleaning.

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      Turn the dishwasher on and run it through a regular cleaning cycle.

    In the Sink

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      Pour 1 cup of white vinegar into a sink or basin large enough for the glassware to fit.

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      Fill the basin with boiling hot water. Pour 1 cup of vinegar into the basin. Place the glassware in the basin and let it soak in the vinegar and water solution to help dissolve the film.

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      Wash the glassware with a mild soap, rinse well and let air dry.