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How to Clean Up an Oil Spill With Dish Soap

A cooking oil spill on a kitchen counter top, or a bath or baby oil spill on a bathroom vanity, needs to be handled quickly before the oil becomes a slipping hazard. Any oil spill on clothing can also set and form a stubborn, permanent stain. Quickly blotting an oil stain on fabric surfaces with simple dish soap, or dishwashing liquid, prevents the stain from setting. You can also use dish soap and water to wash away oil residues that remain after you wipe away an oil spill on a counter top.

Things You'll Need

  • Soft, dry cloths or paper towels
  • Cat litter or carpet absorbent
  • Corn starch or talcum powder
  • Vacuum cleaner
  • Dish soap
  • Basin or bowl
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      Wipe all visible oil off of flat, non-porous surfaces with paper towels or a clean, dry cloth. Blot as much oil as possible off of fabrics with a clean, dry cloth. Use a carpet absorbent or cat litter on rugs or carpets and wait 15 or 20 minutes for the absorbent to soak up oil before you vacuum the area. Use cornstarch or talcum powder as an absorbent on stained clothing. Apply all absorbents directly to the stain.

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      Mix liquid dishwashing detergent with warm water in a basin or bowl according to the instructions for "general cleaning" or "washing fine fabrics." Mix about two tablespoons to a quart of water if no instructions are available. Use a brand of dish soap that includes grease-cutting ingredients if possible.

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      Saturate a clean, dry cloth with the dish soap and water solution and wash flat surfaces with it. Dry the surface. Repeat if the surface remains oily or greasy to the touch.

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      Moisten a clean, dry cloth with the solution and blot stains on fabrics and carpets. Use a clean, dry cloth to blot away residue of soap and oil before you blot again with the moistened cloth. Repeat until you remove as much of the stain as possible.

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      Spray the stained area of oil-stained clothing with a pre-wash stain remover and then wash it as usual in your washing machine or by hand if any stain remains after the clothing has dried. Vacuum your rug or carpet once the stained area has dried. Clean your rug with carpet shampoo if any stain remains visible.