Home Garden

How to Get Oil Stains Out of Paver Bricks

Paver bricks are a functional, aesthetically-pleasing alternative to concrete driveways and patios or wooden decks. These natural stone and brick pavers can be laid in a variety of designs with colors that complement your home. When backyard barbecues or do-it-yourself auto repairs result in oil stains on your paver bricks, you must draw the stain out of the stone to remove it completely. Cleaning only the surface does not get rid of the stain. But you can get rid of the entire stain with supplies and techniques that help absorb the oil from the porous paver bricks.

Things You'll Need

  • Cat litter
  • Broom
  • Dustpan
  • 2 tablespoons powdered detergent
  • Scrub brush
  • Baking soda
  • Plastic wrap
  • Plastic scraper
  • Garden hose
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      Absorbent litter soaks up oil on the surface of paver bricks.

      Cover the oil stain with cat litter, using enough litter to form a mound on the stain. Let the cat litter absorb the oil stain for one hour.

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      Remove the cat litter and absorbed oil with a broom and dustpan. Discard the litter in the trash.

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      Moisten the oil-stained paver bricks with enough water to dampen the surface. Sprinkle 2 tablespoons of powdered detergent over the stains.

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      The soapy lather from detergent emulsifies, drawing the oil stain out.

      Scrub the paver bricks to work the detergent and water into a soapy lather. Sprinkle baking soda over the soap-covered stain.

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      Lay a piece of plastic wrap directly over the baking soda and detergent on the paver brick surface. Smooth the plastic over the brick. Allow it to remain in place overnight so the baking soda and detergent poultice can dry. As the poultice dries, it draws the oil stain out of the pavers.

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      Lift the plastic wrap off of the brick pavers and discard it. Scrape up the dried poultice from the pavers with a plastic scraper.

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      Wet the scrub brush and scour the paver brick surface. Rinse the pavers off with a garden hose. Allow the surface to air-dry.