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Removing Mildew From Awnings

Whether your awning is made of canvas or vinyl, the constant exposure to dirt, dust and moisture puts it at risk for mildew stains. Tiny mildew spores attach themselves to the organic material on your awnings, such as dust and dirt, and continue to grow when the weather is humid or wet. While regular care and cleaning prevents the formation of mildew, you can remove mildew from your awnings with effective cleaning supplies and removal methods.

Things You'll Need

  • Ladder
  • Broom
  • Rubber gloves
  • Bucket
  • Disinfectant cleaning solution
  • Clean cloths
  • Rubbing alcohol
  • Water-resistant spray (optional)
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      Set up a ladder to reach the top of the awning. Use a broom to sweep dirt, debris and dried mildew spores off the surface.

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      Protect your hands from mildew and cleansing fluids with gloves.

      Put on rubber gloves. Fill a bucket with 1 gallon of hot water. Add two caps full of disinfectant cleaning solution to make a mildew-killing solution.

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      Wet a clean cloth with the disinfectant cleansing solution. Scrub the surface of the awning to remove mildew stains.

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      Rinse the awning by wiping it off with a damp cloth. Treat any remaining stains left by mildew with rubbing alcohol. Dampen a clean cloth with rubbing alcohol and wipe the stain.

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      Wipe the surface of your awning dry with clean cloths. Allow it to air-dry completely.

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      Protect a canvas awning by spraying it with water-resistant protective spray.