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Homemade Remedies for How to Remove Crayons From Clothing

Crayon stains are very common in households that have children. When crayons are in their hands, there is always the possibility that they may use their clothes as a canvas, or stray marks may create stains on their clothes. Simple household remedies to remove crayon stains from clothing can save a lot of time and money.
  1. Ingredients

    • Crayon stains come in two types: instant, or soft stain, and the melted crayon spot. These two types are considered differently in the removal process, but in both cases basic ingredients are the same. Something is needed to scrub the crayon off as much as possible without damaging the cloth. This can be a towel for soft stains or a butter knife for melted stains. After this a water displacement solution is needed, such as lubricant sprays which are commonly found around the house. Baby oil can also be used instead of lubricants. Then mild detergent will be needed. For this purpose dish detergent, or body soap. can be used in case of melted stains and nongel toothpaste can be used for soft stains. After this laundry detergent and color safe bleach can also be used.


    • Keep the clothing in refrigerator for 30 minutes before starting. This will harden the clothing and reduce the chances of damage. In the case of soft stains a dull knife or towel has to be used to very softly scrub off the crayon. In case of melted stains use a dull knife or ice cube to rub off the crayon particles.

    Remedies for Soft Stains

    • For soft stains after the above preparation is done, use a nongel toothpaste to remove the stain. Hot water should be used, depending upon the temperature that fabric can tolerate. If it does not work than this means the stains were not that soft as been measured. In such cases general washing treatment should be used. Use laundry detergent for washing things off. The majority of the stains should be already removed; so rest of them will be easily removed with detergent.

    Remedies for Melted Stains

    • For melted crayon spots a slightly different removal process has to be followed. After following the preparatory steps, use lubricant spray over the spot and wait for five to eight minutes. This should reduce the bondage of crayon particles in between the clothing fabric fibers. Use a dish washing agent over that area and rub again. Use hot water with the same cautions mentioned as in the case of soft stains. Clean till the spots fade away. If stains are not going away, then use color-safe bleach.