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How to Get Ink Out of Acetate

Garments made with a synthetic fiber such as acetate require special care, particularly when it comes to removing stains. Nail polish remover is often recommended for removing ink stains from different fabrics and surfaces and can be very successful in doing so. But the acetone in nail polish remover causes acetate fabrics to dissolve, ultimately ruining your garment. Although avoidance is the best tactic, accidental ink stains can be safely removed from acetate garments.

Things You'll Need

  • Dry cleaning solvent
  • Sponge
  • Clean cloths
  • Liquid laundry detergent
  • All-fabric bleach
  • Bucket
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      Be gentle when removing stains from acetate.

      Moisten a sponge with dry cleaning solvent. Lay the acetate garment on a flat work surface. Blot at the ink stain, beginning around the outside area of the ink stain and moving toward the middle. As the ink stain transfers to the sponge, rinse it off, apply more dry cleaning solvent and continue to dab at the material.

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      Rinse the acetate fabric under cool water. Squeeze the excess water out of the garment and lay flat again. Pour enough liquid laundry detergent over the ink to cover the stain completely. Rub the detergent into the fabric. Allow it to soak in for 10 to 15 minutes.

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      Soaking helps loosen the stain from the fabric.

      Run cool water over the stain to rinse off the detergent. If any ink stain remains on the acetate fabric, soak the garment in a solution made with 1/2 cup all-fabric bleach and 1 gallon warm water. Submerge the fabric in the bleach solution and leave it there for half an hour.

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      Wash your acetate garment in warm water, using laundry detergent and all-fabric bleach to remove any last trace of the ink stain. Check the acetate fabric to make sure the ink stain was removed entirely. If not, repeat these steps to get rid of the ink.

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      Hang your acetate garment to air dry.