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How to Clean Satin & Polyester

If you have a stain on a favorite piece of clothing, check its fabric content before cleaning. Items made from satin or polyester require special care, because these threads have a silky, shiny finish that could get damaged in the wash. Using a spot cleaning method for stains and then hand washing the item will make sure your clothes come out clean and undamaged.

Things You'll Need

  • Tub or sink
  • Gentle soap
  • Stain remover
  • Drying line
  • Iron
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      Fill a sink or tub with lukewarm water. Never use hot water on satin or polyester. Mix in a few spoons of gentle soap like Woolite or baby shampoo. Swish it around until the water gets sudsy.

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      Spray a gentle stain remover over any stains on the material before washing. Let the stain remover set in for 30 minutes.

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      Submerge the fabric in the sudsy water, and let soak for 30 minutes.

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      Drain the water and refill with clean, lukewarm water. Soak the material in the clean water for 30 minutes to remove soap. Never wring out the material, as it might get damaged.

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      Hang the material on a line outside to dry. Satin should never be put through a dryer, and polyester may shrink in the dryer as well. Let the material dry outside in the sun until no longer moist.

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      Iron the fabric on a low setting, using no steam, if the material is wrinkled after drying.