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Washing Instructions for Steeden Shoulder Pads

Steeden shoulder pads are a type of rugby shoulder pad that are connected to a shirt for extra protection from injury during rugby matches. Not only do the Steeden shirts have shoulder pads for protection, they also have padding over the sternum and biceps for extra safety in a rugby match. After wearing the shoulder pads while playing rugby, they are often covered in mud, stains and sweat, so cleaning them before their next use is a must.

Things You'll Need

  • Washing machine
  • ½ cup liquid laundry detergent
  • Hanger
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    • 1

      Place the Steeden shoulder pads into the washing machine.

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      Set the machine to a medium or small load. Fill your washing machine with warm water and ½ cup liquid detergent. Start the machine.

    • 3

      Remove the shoulder pads from the machine when it finishes.

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      Hang the Steeden shoulder pads on a hanger to dry.