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How to Neutralize Harmful Bleach

Bleach is a common laundry product use for killing germs and brightening whites. You can also use bleach to hand-dye fabrics. However, bleach is harmful if not removed from fabrics. It will wear holes in the fabric, or cause thin spots that lead to rips. If you have spilled bleach on a fabric and want to neutralize it before it does damage to the piece, use an inexpensive bleach neutralizer.

Things You'll Need

  • Bucket
  • Water
  • Bisulfite or Sodium thiosulfate bleach neutralizer
  • Spoon
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      Rinse the piece of fabric that has the bleach on it in the sink using clear, cool water.

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      Fill a bucket with 2 gallons of water. Add the bleach neutralizer according to the package directions and stir it until it dissolves.

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      Submerge the fabric in the bleach neutralizer solution and let it soak for five to 10 minutes. Remove it from the bucket and wring out the water.

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      Rinse it again in clean tap water. Let the piece air dry.