Home Garden

A Fogger for Mold Removal

Mold is a type of fungus that can spread throughout your home, cause health issues, ruin the appearance of your sleek home and lower its value. Mold growth consists of microscopic spores that are small enough to fit through cracks in window frames, under doors or through hairline cracks in your siding. There is no way to completely prevent mold from entering your home, and, if your home is damp and humid, mold will eventually grow there. One way to remove this mold is with the use of a fogger.
  1. About Mold Foggers

    • Mold spores spread throughout your home in the air. Mold foggers spray a mold-killing chemical that not only kills the mold growth on walls, floors and ceilings but also kills the mold spores in the air. Mold foggers have a high-powdered spray nozzle that pushes vaporized chemicals throughout your home. You can purchase a mold fogger or rent one from a hardware or specialty cleaning store.

    Preparing a Room for Fogging

    • Prepare your home for a fogger by covering any products that are water-sensitive. The fogger generally will not damage these items if you use it properly, but the chemicals can settle on electronics or paintings and damage them. Close your windows and doors to contain the vapor chemicals, and put on a dust mask to protect yourself from inhaling mold spores as well as the chemicals.

    Using Foggers

    • Set the fogger on a surface that is a few feet off the ground, and hook it up to the chemical source as well as the filter. Aim the nozzle toward one corner of the room and turn it on. Leave the room, closing the door behind you. Let the fogger run for the appropriate amount of time depending on the machine, chemicals and the size of your room. Consult the manufacturer’s directions to determine the time required. Divide the amount of time into four sections, and rotate the machine to point to a different corner of the room once each section of minutes has lapsed. Turn off the fogger when the appropriate amount of time has passed, and wipe down sections of the room with a clean cloth. Let the room sit for several minutes to allow the chemicals to dissipate, and open the windows to encourage ventilation.


    • Mold foggers vaporize chemicals, making it easier for these chemicals to enter your lungs and be absorbed into your body. In many cases, these chemicals are harmless, and, in some cases, the mold-killing solution is completely natural and non-toxic. However, always limit your exposure to the vapor by leaving the room when the fogger is running. Keep children and pets away from the area until you are finished fogging.