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How to Fold a Tablecloth Into a Square

Tablecloths can be made of delicate fabrics prone to wrinkles and creases. Using a neat and fresh tablecloth is important when serving special meals, such as on holidays and parties. Folding a tablecloth is an easy task that takes little effort but will preserve the life of your table cover. It also helps to avoid time-consuming tasks such as ironing and washing.

Things You'll Need

  • Tablecloth
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      Hold the tablecloth in front of you. Use both hands, one on either corner.

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      Work hands down to grab at the middle of the tablecloth, again holding it on each side. The tablecloth should bend forward and fold itself in half. The fold should be loose so when unfolding, there will be no creases or wrinkles.

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      Place the half-folded tablecloth on a flat surface such as a kitchen table. Fold in half again, from the sides this time rather than the top or bottom. You should now have a large square.

      If using a round tablecloth, fold the bottom and top round edges to touch and meet in the middle. Fold over again once more to create a square shape.

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      Fold again lengthwise and then again from the sides until you have folded the tablecloth to your desired size. Store on a hanger, or in a linen closet.