Home Garden

How to Make Sachets With Fresh Lavender Herbs

Lavender flowers, with their spicy scent, make an excellent sachet to keep your clothes smelling sweet. Dry the buds yourself at home, then fill pretty fabric and place the sachet in your drawer to pass their scent on and keep clothes smelling fresh and sweet. A simple pouch requires no sewing at all, while a simple pillow sachet needs only straight seams.

Things You'll Need

  • Lavender stems
  • Rubber bands
  • Clothes hanger
  • Clothes pins
  • Bowl
  • Glass jar
  • Cotton fabric
  • Pinking shears
  • Ribbon
  • Sewing machine
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    • 1

      Cut stems of lavender when they are in bloom. Wrap the stems together with a rubber band. Attach the bundles upside down to a clothes hanger with a clothes pin and hang in a warm, dry place until the buds are dry. Remove the lavender buds by scraping them off with your fingers into a bowl. Store in an airtight glass jar until ready to use.

    • 2

      Cut a 6-inch circle of cotton fabric using pinking shears. Lay the fabric right side down on a work surface. Place 1/4 cup of dried lavender buds in the center of the fabric. Gather the edges of the fabric, making a pouch, and tie a ribbon just above the buds. Place the pouch in your drawer to scent your clothes.

    • 3

      Cut a 12-by-6-inch rectangle of fabric. Fold the fabric in half width wise into a 6-inch square. Press the crease. Sew along the two side seams with a sewing machine. Fill the resultant pouch with lavender buds. Fold the raw edges of the top in and press. Sew the top seam closed. Place this lavender pillow in your drawer.