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Removing Melted Adhesive on a Clothes Iron

If you don't take care of your iron and keep it clean, it can begin to damage your clothing. If you accidentally ironed over a piece of tape or a store sticker, for example, the sticky substance can remain and perhaps transfer to other ironed garments. Since these kinds of incidents can happen without you realizing it, check your sole plate before each use. Before using cleaning techniques, read your owner's manual.

Things You'll Need

  • Wooden utensil
  • Bowl
  • Baking soda
  • Rag
  • Toothpaste
  • Silver polish
  • Nail polish remover
  • Cotton ball
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      Empty the iron of any water and set it on low.

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      Scrape off the melted adhesive after it softens, using a piece of smooth wood or a wooden utensil, recommends Michigan State University.

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      Turn off the iron, unplug it and wait for it to cool before cleaning off the rest of the adhesive.

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      Pour 1 tsp. of baking soda in a small bowl. Add just enough water to make a paste. Dip a rag in the paste and scrub off the remaining adhesive. Wipe the sole plate clean with a damp rag.

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      Clean off any stubborn adhesives with toothpaste or silver polish. Dab a bit of either one on a rag and scrub the sole plate clean. Use a damp rag to rinse.

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      Moisten a cotton ball with nail polish remover and wipe the sole plate clean. What you think may be melted adhesive may be melted polyester, which can often come off with nail polish remover.