Home Garden

How to Clean Snow off a Roof

A roof can hold a limited amount of weight and anything heavier than the prescribed amount can cause the roof to collapse. This includes snow. A heavy accumulation of snow can also result in ice dams on the edges of the roof, which lead to leaks inside the house. You can wait until the snow is up to a foot thick before you clean your roof. If the forecast calls for rain, however, then you must clean it immediately because moisture increases the weight of snow.

Things You'll Need

  • Snow rake
  • Harness or safety line
  • Plastic snow shovel
  • Broom
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      Assemble the snow rake to clean a pitched roof. If the rake is not long enough for the job, you may add parts from a second roof rake kit. Wooden roof rakes are less damaging to roof shingles.

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      Work on the lower areas of the roof first. Extend the rake to the bottom edge of the roof and pull snow down to the ground. Leave a layer of 2 to 3 inches to avoid scraping the roof and breaking the shingles. Work in narrow strips across the width of the roof.

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      Move the rake progressively higher until you complete the job or cannot extend the rake further. Repeat the process on other sections of the roof around the house.

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      Climb up to the roof to remove snow from areas that you cannot reach from the ground. For your own safety, use a harness or a safety line while you are on the roof. This is especially important on a steep roof because you can easily fall and sustain serious injuries.

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      Clean a flat roof with a shovel. A plastic shovel with a straight edge is safer for the covering on your roof. Shovel the snow off the sides of the roof and away from the building. Avoid climbing onto a flat roof or using heavy equipment until you are certain that the additional weight falls within the limits set for the roof. The City of Boston recommends that homeowners obtain approval from a registered engineer.