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How to Rid Burnt Cake Odor From the Kitchen

As if burning dessert isn’t bad enough, the lingering odor in the kitchen may serve as a lasting reminder of your mistake. Get rid of burnt cake odor from the kitchen with simple tricks that use basic household ingredients. You may surprise yourself with the odor controlling effectiveness of household items you probably have in your cupboard. Within a short time, you can restore the sweet smells to your kitchen.

Things You'll Need

  • Lemon slices or lemon juice
  • Saucepan
  • White vinegar
  • Shallow bowls or saucers
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      Remove the cake from the kitchen. Take it out of the cake pan and throw it away in a sealed trash bag or dispose of it down the garbage disposal. The remnants of the burnt odor will linger if the cake remains in the kitchen.

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      Slice one lemon or pour about 1/2 cup lemon juice into a saucepan. Add about 1 cup of water and place the saucepan onto the stove top. Heat the mixture over medium-high heat until it boils and then reduce the heat to medium to simmer it. Allow the lemon water to simmer for about 30 minutes to eliminate the odors.

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      Fill the shallow bowls or saucers with about 1 inch of white vinegar. Place at least two or three bowls on the countertop around the oven to eliminate the odors.

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      Measure 1 tablespoon white vinegar and 1 cup water into a saucepan. Place the saucepan onto the burner and set the burner to medium-high heat. Boil the vinegar and water and then reduce the heat to medium to simmer the mixture for about 30 minutes.