Home Garden

How to Organize a Kitchen With Limited Counterspace

Living in a small space--such as a studio apartment, one bedroom or just a home with a unreasonably small kitchen--can pose organizational challenges. These steps will offer tips on how to organize your kitchen--small appliances and additional counter top items--to best optimize the space.


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      Survey your space, and plan out areas that will need to be kept clear for cooking and kitchen work.

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      Clear the counters of small appliances. Counter top space must be strictly used for small appliances that you use everyday (coffee maker, toaster, among others). Blenders, toaster ovens, mixers and all other small appliances must be stored in cabinetry.

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      Store additional items on counter top in cabinets, such as your serving spoon holder, inessential decorative items like vases, knife sets and all other nick-knacks. Remember spoons go in the drawer, vases on the mantle as the kitchen counter is reserved for only the essential.

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      Optimize on cabinetry. Make a plan for organization that is the most functional it can be, especially since you probably have limited cabinet space as well. Stack, merge and purge all cookware, dishes, and essentials so that it is easily accessible and intuitive.

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      Employ the top of your fridge as a new storage space. Instead of leaving this empty, use it. Store small appliances and cooking supplies such as your olive oils and vinegars atop a place mat. This isaAlso good for paperware, a stack of large bowls and linens.

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      Eliminate the junk drawer. Instead of wasting precious drawer space with a traditional "junk drawer," use the drawer for important utensils, and instead create a makeshift junk drawer inside of a small to medium clear plastic container (think the size of two large shoe boxes). Of course, don't just throw all of the junk in there, remember to organize. Use clear containers so that you can easily see in to find what you need. You can even store this atop the fridge as well, or in an office or some other unobtrusive space.

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      Hang, don't stack. Instead of stacking pots, potholders, notepads--you name it--on the counter, hang them. Use fridge magnets, buy some small hooks for over the stove, and be sure to have a dish towel rack to keep the counters clear of unnecessary items.