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How to Build Indoor Pet Gates

Indoor pet gates provide a practical way to keep your pet out of certain rooms of your house without confining your pet to a crate or kennel. Gates made of mesh and other see-through materials allow you to keep an eye on your pet and also allow it to see you, which can reduce some of the stress from confinement. All you need in order to build a simple indoor pet gate is some scrap wood and wire screen or mesh.

Things You'll Need

  • Paper
  • Table saw or jig saw
  • 2-by-2-inch wood
  • 3-inch wood screws
  • Handheld electric drill
  • Wire screen or mesh
  • Staple gun
  • Large metal hinges (2)
  • Stud finder
  • Metal latch
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    • 1

      Measure the width of the doorway you want to block with an indoor pet gate and record this measurement on a piece of paper. Determine the ideal height for your pet gate by measuring the height of your pet while it is standing and add 3 to 6 inches. The standard height for most pet gates is between 26 and 36 inches.

    • 2

      Use a table saw or jig saw to cut two pieces of 2-by-2-inch wood to 5 inches shorter than the width measurement and two more pieces using the height measurement you just took. You will use these pieces to construct the basic frame for your pet gate. Cut two more pieces of 2-by-2-inch wood using the height measurement minus 4 inches.

    • 3

      Assemble the first four pieces of wood in a rectangular shape, running the width pieces horizontally and laying the height pieces vertically between them, aligning the corners. Secure the four corners of the frame by driving 2-inch wood screws through the sides of one piece of wood at an angle into the adjacent piece using a handheld electric drill.

    • 4

      Slide the remaining two pieces of wood into the rectangular frame so they are parallel to the vertical sides. Space the pieces evenly inside the frame so they divide the gate into three equal sections. Secure the wood pieces in place by driving 3-inch wood screws through the top and bottom of the rectangular frame down into the wooden dividers.

    • 5

      Cut two pieces of wire screen or mesh to the dimensions of the pet gate and sandwich the wooden frame between them. Use a staple gun to secure the wire screen or mesh to the wooden frame, placing staples every 4 to 6 inches along the frame.

    • 6

      Install two large metal hinges on one side of the pet gate. Position one of the hinges about 2 inches from the top and the second about 2 inches from the bottom.

    • 7

      Use a stud finder to locate the stud in the opening where you intend to install the pet gate. Hold the pet gate up against the wall, aligning it with the stud, and mark the positions of the screw holes in the hinges.

    • 8

      Pre-drill screw holes where you made your markings, then secure the pet gate to the wall by attaching the hinges. Test the hinges by opening and closing the pet gate a few times.

    • 9

      Screw the hook end of a metal latch into the outside of the vertical board opposite the hinges. Position the hook about two-thirds of the way up from the bottom of the pet gate.

    • 10

      Swing the pet gate shut and install the second half of the latch in the wall at the same height as the hook. In order to secure the gate, simply swing the gate closed and latch it to keep your pet from getting through the doorway.