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How to Refinish a Cutting Board

Cutting boards made of natural wood are affected by both dryness and moisture, which causes them to shrink and swell. It is important to routinely refinish, or season, your wood cutting board to help prevent the wood from absorbing stains, odors and bacteria, and to guard against the growth of mold and germs. Treating the board properly will fill wood pores and help the wood resist the absorption of food particles. Take good care of your wood cutting board and it will provide a safe place for you to cut and prepare the food you eat.

Things You'll Need

  • Medium-grade sandpaper
  • Mineral oil
  • Pan
  • Cloth
  • Beeswax
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      Sand the cutting board lightly with a medium-grade sandpaper to remove dark spots and scratches. Sand along with the grain of the wood, not across the grain. Wipe away any residual dust with a damp cloth.

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      Warm the mineral oil by placing the bottle in a pan filled with warm water. Pour a dime-size amount of oil on the cutting board and rub the oil into the board with a soft cloth. Use a circular motion to rub in the oil. Apply more oil if your board is very dry.

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      Allow the oil to soak into the wood for five hours. Using the cloth, wipe up any excess oil. Wait five hours and apply a second coat of mineral oil. Allow the second coat of oil to soak in for five hours. Wipe up any excess oil.

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      Apply a coat of beeswax by dipping a cloth into the can of beeswax paste and rubbing the paste onto the cutting board. Wipe off any excess paste. Allow the beeswax to dry for two hours. Use a soft, dry cloth to buff the cutting board until it shines.