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How to Polish Leather Furniture

Leather furniture adds beauty and elegance to any décor. It comes in hundreds of styles and colors from traditional Victorian wing backs to very modern steel-legged couches. Leather is durable and, if treated properly, wears very well. With proper polishing and care, it doesn't stain as easily as fabric upholstery and needs a light dusting rather than intense vacuuming each week. The best way to keep your leather furniture in good repair is to polish it. Polishing helps repel staining liquids and keeps the leather bright and supple.

Things You'll Need

  • Leather conditioner
  • Soft, lint free cloths
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      Dust and clean off your leather furniture with a soft cloth. This removes dust, pet hair and dirt that might stain or scratch your furniture when you try to polish it. Discard the used cloth.

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      Pour a nickel-sized amount of leather conditioner onto a clean cloth and smear it over the cloth with your fingers. Start at one side of your leather piece, near the bottom and rub the cloth in even, firm, circular strokes over the leather.

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      Continue rubbing until your cloth no longer leaves a shiny trail behind it. Apply some more leather conditioner to the cloth and pick up where you left off, making sure to overlap the last layer of conditioner you applied. This ensures that the entire piece is treated.

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      Apply leather conditioner in the evening and do not sit on it again until the next day. This allows the conditioner to sink into the leather and dry properly and prevents stains on your clothing.