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Upholstery Cleaning Solutions

Whether you choose to have your upholstery cleaned professionally or do it yourself, it is important to know the options available to you. Upholstery cleaning falls into two main categories: dry-clean and wet-clean. Within these two realms exist several solutions for keeping your furniture looking its absolute best.
  1. Determining the Cleaning Solution

    • Deciding which cleaning solution to use when cleaning your upholstery is the most important step. Some upholstery can be cleaned using water, while others should only be dry-cleaned with petroleum-based cleaning fluids. Still others should only be cleaned by vacuuming, though this is rare. To determine which cleaning method is best for your fabric, consult the consumer care sticker generally found under the removable cushions on the body of the furniture. If none is found, consult your paperwork from the purchase or contact the manufacturer.
      A code will be present on the label that explains how the furniture should be cleaned: "W" means the fabric is wet-cleanable with water-based chemistry; "S" means that only a dry-cleaning solvent should be used; "S/W" means that either dry-cleaning or wet-cleaning is acceptable; "X" means the fabric should only be vacuumed.

    Vacuum Maintenance

    • The best cleaning solution for your upholstery is regular vacuuming. Dust and dirt left on your furniture not only looks unsightly, but every time it is sat on or even touched by hand, it rubs against the upholstery fibers. Unseen by the naked eye, dust and dirt particles have rough edges that will tear and cut upholstery fibers. Over time, these microscopic scratches will appear as worn or damaged upholstery.

    Steam Cleaning

    • Though incorrectly named, steam cleaning is a popular method of cleaning upholstery. A steam extractor, more accurately called a hot water extractor, used for carpet cleaning is outfitted with a hand wand that allows cleaning solution to be sprayed onto the fabric before it is vacuumed away seconds later.
      Steam cleaning can be done as a do-it-yourself project with a rental unit or a home unit purchased from a department store.
      Professionals often use a truck-mounted system or a portable brought into the home; both can be equipped with tools that control the flow of cleaning chemical to limit the amount of moisture applied to the fabric.

    Shampoo Cleaning

    • Shampoo cleaning can be done either by a professional or as a do-it-yourself project. No special equipment is needed---just a sponge, thick towels and upholstery shampoo concentrate. The cleaning here is done by agitating a mixed solution of upholstery shampoo until it is foamy. Then, using a well wrung-out sponge, the suds are scooped up and worked into the upholstery. The furniture is then dried by blotting with the thick towels. Dirt can is visible both on the towel and in the solution pail, as the sponge also soaks up some of the soil.


    • Generally, dry-cleaning is done by a professional. Special extractor machines are used to recover the petroleum-based dry-cleaning fluid, which is flammable. High-end fabrics such as silk and velvet must be dry-cleaned, as water can damage these fabrics.
      It is acceptable to dry-clean upholstery using a hand method similar to the shampoo method. However, if attempting this on your own, be certain to provide plenty of ventilation while working with dry-cleaning fluids.