Home Garden

How to Get Wax Off Wooden Furniture

Modern wood furniture is usually sealed with a polyurethane finish which makes it more durable than antique furniture finished with lacquer, paint or penetrating oil. A simple dusting is all that is required for basic maintenance. However, if you find candle wax left from a romantic dinner, remove it simply with a few common household items.

Things You'll Need

  • Ice
  • Zip-top plastic bag
  • Credit card, plastic spatula or dough scraper
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    • 1

      Place the ice in the bag. Rest the bag on the wax for 30 seconds to harden it.

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      Scrape the wax off gently with the edge of your credit card, spatula or scraper. Use a slow, back and forth motion so you don't scratch the furniture.

    • 3

      Wipe the hardened wax into your hand and discard.