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How to Clean Pen Off of Leather Furniture

Once an ink pen makes contact with leather furniture, the damage is evident. The smooth surface provides the perfect canvas for the dispersal of ink, resulting in an unsightly stain that won't likely remain unnoticed. Yet, ink stains on leather are not necessarily permanent damage. With the right products, you can clean pen marks off of leather furniture and restore the piece back to its original, unmarked condition.

Things You'll Need

  • Cuticle remover
  • Soft cloth
  • Hairspray
  • Paper towel
  • Clear liquid soap
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  1. Cuticle Remover Method

    • 1

      Apply a dime-sized amount of cuticle remover to a soft cloth.

    • 2

      Rub the cuticle remover onto the stained area of the leather. Allow the remover to remain on the leather for approximately 10 minutes.

    • 3

      Wipe away the cuticle remover with a clean area of the soft cloth. Buff the area with another clean section of the cloth.

    Hairspray Method

    • 4

      Spray a squirt of hairspray directly onto the ink pen stain.

    • 5

      Leave the hairspray on the stain for one minute. Wipe away the spray with a paper towel.

    • 6

      Place two drops of liquid soap on a wet paper towel. Spray the stained area with hairspray again. Rub the affected area of the leather with the soapy paper towel. Wipe dry with a clean towel.