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How to Clean & Condition Aniline Leather Furniture

People often choose aniline leather furniture because it is beautiful and low maintenance. In order to keep it beautiful, however, you should do a little maintenance work to keep it in top form. It will pay you back with many years of service if you treat it right and it will be a stunning addition to your home. Cleaning and conditioning aniline leather furniture may sound intimidating, but it's a rather pleasant chore and not at all difficult.

Things You'll Need

  • Vacuum cleaner
  • Aniline leather cleaner
  • Aniline leather conditioner
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      Vacuum your leather furniture about once a week because it collects dust just like your other furniture. You can use a vacuum attachment or just a clean cloth to dust it.

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      Clean your aniline leather furniture with a product designed for it about four times every year.

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      Apply the cleaning cream with a clean, dry cloth and rub it into the leather with circular motions.

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      Allow the leather to dry completely before you condition it.

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      Use a new clean cloth to apply aniline leather conditioner to the furniture. The leather conditioner is especially important in dry climates where the leather is at risk of becoming brittle. It also helps the leather to retain its original color. Apply the leather conditioner in circular motions, just as you did with the cleaner.