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How to Remove Wood Finishes

If you plan to renovate and restore wooden furniture, walls, trim or cabinets to the original grain of the wood, you will need to remove the existing wood finish first. The wood must be thoroughly clean of any stain. The wood finish remover you use will depend on the finish on your wood object. You will spend a good deal of time doing this project and it will also require patience and a little elbow grease.

Things You'll Need

  • Drop cloth, old newspapers or tarp
  • Mask, preferably with a ventilator
  • Rubber gloves
  • Wood finish remover
  • Extra container with a tight-sealing lid
  • Paintbrush
  • Putty knife
  • Rag
  • Steel wool
  • Neutralizer
  • Soft natural bristle scrub brush
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    • 1

      Remove anything that can be removed from your work area. If you are resurfacing paneling or cabinets that cannot be taken down, you must cover anything that is beneath them. Cover everything else with a painter's drop cloth, old newspapers or a tarp.

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      Remove the hardware on your furniture, including drawer pulls, doorknobs or hinges, to be able to get to all the wood surfaces.

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      Place the wood furniture on a table at a comfortable height, if possible.

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      Open all windows in the area where you will work and use a fan to move fumes away from you.

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      Put on rubber gloves and a ventilator mask to protect yourself from chemicals, fumes and dust.

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      Pour a small amount of wood finish remover from its container into a second container that will seal tightly when you're finished. Dip the paintbrush into the wood finish remover and apply a thick coat to the surface of the wood with the paintbrush. Apply the finish remover in the same direction of the grain. Use a rag to wipe off any drops of remover that fall anywhere other than the area you are cleaning.

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      Scrape off the finish remover with a putty knife as soon as the surface starts to blister. If there are areas where the finish is difficult to remove, scrub the area with steel wool until all the old finish is gone.

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      Use a rag or scrub brush to apply neutralizer. Let the neutralizer dry thoroughly.