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The Best Ways to Clean a Leather Lounge Chair

A leather lounge chair is an elegant addition to a room, but caring for leather furnishings can be a delicate process. While leather is a durable material, it is essential that the owner use the correct products and methods to ensure the leather does not become damaged during cleaning.
  1. Identify the Leather

    • To find the correct cleaning method to use on on your leather lounge chair, determine the type of leather used on the furniture. Leather can be unfinished or finished. Typically, leather furniture is covered in finished material.

    Cleaning Solutions

    • Finished materials usually contain some dye to give the leather its color. Before using any cleaning solution on leather furniture, it is important to first test the cleaner on the material. A harsh soap can remove the dye from the leather and change the entire look of the furniture. Test the soap on an area that is not conspicuous. A gentle soap, such as castile soap, is usually sufficient to wipe down a leather lounge chair.


    • Stains on a leather lounge chair may be more difficult to remove with leather cleaner. Toothpaste and hairspray are two household products that can remove stains from a finished leather lounge chair. Apply both products directly to the stain. Spray an aerosol hairspray directly on the stain and wipe it away with a soft cloth. To remove a tough stain, a few sprays may be necessary.


    • When cleaning a leather lounge chair, it is important to wring as much moisture out of the cloth as possible before applying it to the furniture. The moisture must be wiped off with a soft cloth after cleaning the chair. Never use heat or a blow dryer to remove moisture on a leather lounge chair.


    • Conditioning leather keeps it supple and lustrous. A combination of one part vinegar to two parts linseed oil cleans and conditions the leather lounge chair, according to Mrs. Clean. Conditioning leather prevents the furniture from drying and cracking.