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How to Fix Up Painted Furniture

The finish on painted furniture is delicate but can be successfully maintained through gentle cleaning and touch-ups, as the paint is susceptible to discoloring, scratches or dullness if handled without care. Proprietary rubbing compounds used to remove scratches may stain your paint, so test the scratch remover solution in a hidden spot to determine if it is safe on the furniture.

Things You'll Need

  • 3 soft cleaning cloths
  • Mild dish washing liquid soap
  • Bowl
  • Furniture cover
  • Matching color paint
  • Paintbrush
  • Rubbing and polishing compounds
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      Wipe off loose dust from the furniture with a dry cleaning cloth. Wet a new cloth with warm water and 1 tbsp. of dish washing liquid soap. Squeeze out excess water and wipe down the furniture in the direction of the furniture's grain and dry off the furniture to prevent water spots.

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      Dip the paintbrush's tip into the paint that matches the painted furniture and carefully touch up scratches or scuffs on the furniture by brushing the paint in the direction of the furniture's grain to blend with the previous paint coating. Wait overnight for the paint to dry before using the furniture. Any large abrasion will need fine-grit sanding and feathering.

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      Cover the scratch with a thin layer of the rubbing compound as an alternative to painting. Rub it into the furniture's scratch in the direction of the grain to fill in the scratch on the wood. Rubbing compound is very abrasive and it will leave a dullness. You will have to polish the entire surface surrounding the repair.

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      Apply a polishing compound to the entire area to get an equal shine.