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How to Get Superglue Off a Wood Table Top

Super Glue creates a sticky, semi-permanent bond between any objects it touches, including skin, clothing or hard surfaces like wood. Acetone nail polish remover quickly dissolves spilled Super Glue, but too much acetone damages wood surfaces. Just a few drops of nail polish remover, though, can remove Super Glue, but it is not enough to harm or damage wood. After you loosen the spill with nail polish remover, a stiff bristle brush scrapes away glue residue.

Things You'll Need

  • Acetone nail polish remover
  • Cotton swab
  • Towels
  • Bristle brush
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      Soak up as much of the Super Glue as possible when the spill occurs. Work quickly before the Super Glue dries completely.

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      Coat a cotton swab with acetone nail polish remover. Dab the nail polish remover on the Super Glue.

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      Scrape the Super Glue off the table with a bristle brush, like a toothbrush. If necessary, apply more nail polish remover.