Home Garden

How to Clean an Appliance Cord

Appliance cords can become dirty and greasy fairly easily, especially those with appliances in the kitchen. They are subject to conditions and environments that are not always the cleanest or most dust-free. A sticky film builds up on the cord, making it inconvenient to use and store. Whether the appliance is a refrigerator, vacuum cleaner or a hand-held hair dryer, it can be cleaned using a straightforward procedure that takes only a few minutes.

Things You'll Need

  • Plastic drop cloth
  • Degreaser spray
  • Shop rag
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      Unplug the appliance cord from the electrical outlet. This safety precaution should be followed when any work is being done on an electrical appliance.

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      Lay a plastic drop cloth under the cord to protect the surface of the floor or table from the cleaning.

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      Spray the appliance cord liberally with a degreaser and let it soak the surface of the cord for 20 minutes.

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      Wipe the cord with a shop rag and remove the degreaser along with the dirt and debris. Reapply the degreaser and wipe the cord again if the dirt and grease are stubborn and are not removed with the first application.