Home Garden

How to Make Your Home Appear Lived in During Vacation

Your vacation should be a time to relax, soak up the sun and immerse yourself in something you do not often get to experience. It is not a time to be worried about whether someone is in your house, trashing your belongings and stealing anything he can sell. If you take the proper steps to make it look like your home is occupied, you can enjoy your vacation in peace.

Things You'll Need

  • Timer for lights
  • Car
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      Hire a house sitter to live in your house. This is the most effective option, because your house really will be lived in while you are away. You can hire a friend or relative. You can also hire someone you do not know, but that might be dangerous.

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      Set up your lights to turn on and off at regular intervals with a timer. This will make it appear that you are home, whether you are or not. Add a radio or television to the timer as well, for added effect.

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      Ask a neighbor to pick up your mail and newspapers. This will keep them from piling up and alerting someone that you are not home.

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      Leave a car in your driveway. If you cannot leave your car, ask a neighbor to park his car there on occasion to keep up the illusion that you are home.