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How to Measure Corners for Crown Molding

Quality mitered corners on crown molding are a sign of true craftsmanship. Oftentimes, the pieces are cut too short and the ends are forced together, leaving a joint that is uneven, has gaps or must be filled with putty and caulk. There is a simple way to get a perfect end cut every time: Always measure along the bottom edge of the crown, which will be the same length as the section of wall where it attaches, no matter what size or style of crown. Use an angle finder to calculate miters.

Things You'll Need

  • Angle finder
  • Tape measure
  • Miter saw
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  1. Measuring and Marking the Molding

    • 1

      Position an angle finder in the corner with one leg aligned with one wall and the other leg aligned to the opposite wall. Read the angle at the center of the finder.

    • 2

      Divide the number derived from the angle finder by two and set your miter saw to that angle. Cut each piece at the same angle, one right and one left, to create the corner. For example, a 90-degree corner is made up of two 45-degree corners.

    • 3

      Measure the length of the wall with a tape measure from the point where the molding begins to the corner. Mark this dimension on the bottom edge of the crown molding.

    Making the Proper Saw Cut

    • 4

      Position the crown molding on the miter saw with its bottom edge up and the top against the table. Angle it the same as it will be on the wall and ceiling. Align the mark on the crown to the left of the mark for a right end miter, whether inside or outside corner and vice versa.

    • 5

      Turn the saw so that that the top line of the crown will be longer, or angled out, for outside corners. Turn the saw to cut the top line of the crown shorter, or angled in, for an inside corner.

    • 6

      Make every cut with a single, fluid motion with the blade cut against the mark on the bottom line of the molding to ensure accurate measurements in the cut piece. Wait for the saw to stop spinning before allowing the blade to spring up to prevent break out or splintering.