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How to Remove Vinyl Wallpaper With Household Supplies

Wallpaper removal is a big messy job no matter which product you use to soften the adhesive holding the paper to the wall. Common household products will soften wallpaper adhesive so you can scrape the paper off of the walls, and even though the products are different, the steps taken to remove the paper are the same. The wallpaper must be scored first so the products will come in contact with the adhesive.

Things You'll Need

  • Wallpaper scorer
  • 4-inch thin blade scraper
  • Bucket
  • Liquid fabric softener
  • White vinegar
  • 2 spray bottles
  • Sponge
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    • 1

      Score the entire surface of the wallpaper with a wallpaper scorer. A wallpaper scorer has sharp pointed wheels on the underneath side that poke holes in the paper when the scorer is rolled across the wall. Hold the scorer flat against the wall, and push it across the entire wall in random patterns. Complete this step on each wall. Do not use heavy hand pressure when scoring the paper because you will leave score marks in the drywall.

    • 2

      The common household products used to remove wallpaper are liquid fabric softener and white vinegar. Use the product that you have on hand; both are effective at softening wallpaper adhesive.

    • 3

      Peel off as much of the top layer of wallpaper as you can. Specific types of wallpaper have a top vinyl layer that can be peeled off, leaving the paper backing on the wall. Use a thin blade putty knife to lift an edge of the wallpaper at the seam. Pull from the bottom of the wall up toward the ceiling. Do not force the top layer to come off because you will tear into the top layer of drywall.

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      In a bucket, mix 1 part fabric softener to 2 parts hot water, or mix 1 cup of white vinegar to 1 gallon of hot water. Hot water is the key in helping the wallpaper paste to soften, and the fabric softener or vinegar acts as a dissolving agent. Fill a spray bottle with the mixture that you made.

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      Fill the second spray bottle with hot water. Begin scraping off the wallpaper and adhesive with a 4-inch scraper. Hold the scraper at a sharp horizontal angle to the wall to prevent creating gouges in the drywall. Spray areas that are dry with the hot water while you are working across the wall. The hot water will loosen the adhesive and allow you to scrape it off. Repeat each step for the remaining walls.

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      Wash the walls with a mild solution of detergent and hot water to remove any remaining glue. Rinse the wall with clean hot water.