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How to Cover Wallpaper Seams

Over time, your flawless wallpaper may begin to show signs of wear along the seams. When wallpaper seams begin to loosen and tear away from the wall, these may detract from your attractive walls and make them appear old and dingy. With a simple mending process, you can quickly repair and cover wallpaper seams to seal them and prevent further wear. Perform this maintenance while the damage is minimal and you can restore your wallpapered walls to their former beauty.

Things You'll Need

  • Old toothbrush
  • Wallpaper seam sealer adhesive
  • Small flat paintbrush (3/8-inch wide)
  • Damp sponge
  • Painter’s tape
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    • 1

      Peel back the seams of the wallpaper carefully where they require mending. Use the old toothbrush to gently brush away any dust and debris from the wallpaper glue.

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      Apply a thin line of the seam sealer to the underside of the loosened seam and spread it carefully with the paintbrush. Repeat with the wallpaper on the other side of the seam if it is also loose.

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      Press the wallpaper seams down onto the wall and wipe the seam with the damp sponge to adhere it to the wall. Wipe the seam several times, rinsing the sponge once or twice to remove sealer from the sponge. Make sure you remove all sealer from the surface of the wallpaper or it may appear shiny after it dries.

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      Work on a small 12-inch section of wallpaper at one time, applying the sealer and running the damp sponge over the seams. Continue working along the entire seam until you finish mending it.

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      Apply painter’s tape over the mended seam to hold it in place for 24 hours. Begin the tape at the top or bottom of the seam and extend it smoothly and tautly over the entire seam.

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      Remove the tape carefully after the time elapses. Pull the tape slowly and carefully from the seam. If you accidentally rip open your repair job, fix it immediately by repeating the same technique you used the first time.