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How to Remove Snow From a Gravel Driveway or Pathway

Removing snow from any driveway or walkway is a tedious chore but can be made even more difficult when it needs to be removed from gravel. Gravel roads and paths are not smooth nor are they solid so using traditional snow removal techniques will not always work. Follow these tips to making snow removal from gravel drives and paths easier.

Things You'll Need

  • Shovel
  • Rake
  • Leaf Blower
  • Optional: Commercial De-Icer
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      The first step to removal and/or snow and ice prevention is using a leaf blower. Chances are if your area is cold enough to snow then your gravel is solidly in place with a nice cold/icy surface for the time being. This step is important to complete before anyone has walked or driven on your gravel driveway or path. Turn on your leaf blower and use just as if the snow were a million little leaves. Blow the dry, surface snow off your driveway being careful not to point directly at the ground and dislodge your gravel.

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      If you were unable to remove all of the snow from your driveway or path using your leaf blower you can use a shovel and/or rake depending on what you are left with. If you have deeper wetter snow, a traditional snow shovel will help remove the tougher layer.

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      A rake is great for the final snow/ice removal. Use a strong metal rake with wide tines that can stand up to tough snow and ice. Rake out the remaining layer, this will help spread out the ice and snow helping it to melt with warmer temperatures as well. If you are able, rake the snow and ice off the side allowing your gravel to be exposed for better shoe and tire traction.

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      If you can't seem to get the last few layers of ice and snow removed using a shovel and rake, you may opt for a commercial de-icer. These can help remove AND prevent ice and snow from building up but have their drawbacks as well. They can be an environmental hazard and may have potential to harm your pets or local wildlife as well. Do your due diligence in finding out if this is a good option for you.