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How to Remove Ice From a Driveway With No Chemicals

Driveway ice can be a fairly common wintertime occurrence in cold and temperate regions that receive enough precipitation. Whether the ice accumulation is the result of a single freezing rain event, or it developed under a layer of snow, ice on a driveway surface can present an inconvenience or even a hazard. There are many commercially-available de-icing compounds that can be applied to driveway ice, but these products can prove costly, may damage the driveway surface and harm the surrounding environment. Instead, address driveway ice using manual removal techniques and other chemical alternatives.

Things You'll Need

  • Snow shovel
  • Ice chipper
  • Enhanced radiation absorber
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      Shovel as much snow off of the ice as possible. If the snow layer on top of the ice is relatively thin, it may be remove from the driveway using a push broom.

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      Chip the ice into small, manageable pieces using an ice chipper. Use this method if the ice is thick enough to crack into pieces and the chipper won't harm the driveway surface. Make short, vertical strikes against the ice and use only as much force as needed to fracture the ice.

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      Shovel any broken and moveable ice pieces off of the driveway. Pile the ice where it won't melt back onto the driveway surface and refreeze.

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      Sprinkle an enhanced radiation absorber such as coal or graphite evenly across any remaining ice. The dark material will absorb greater radiation from the sun and the driveway surface will become heated faster.

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      Shovel and scrape off ice as it loosens throughout the day or over several days.