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How to Remove the Snow From a Trailer Rooftop

Snow left on a trailer rooftop can lead to an accumulation of weight that potentially will damage the structure. Whenever an excess amount of snow builds up on the roof of a trailer, you need to remove it to avoid a disaster. Trailers with flat roofs are at extreme risk of collapse. If the trailer happens to be the kind pulled behind a vehicle, snow left on the roof can lead to traffic accidents when the snow begins to blow off while going down the road.

Things You'll Need

  • A-frame ladder
  • Roof rake
  • Push broom (optional)
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    • 1

      Set up an A-frame ladder that has a height tall enough for you to climb to the top and have your arms a couple feet higher than the trailer's roof. Place the ladder so that the rungs run parallel to the length of the trailer and the starting point is at one end of the trailer. Position the ladder so that it is about 5 feet away from the rooftop.

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      Climb the ladder, holding a roof rake. Hoist the rake onto the roof, into its middle. Pull the handle of the rake to scoop and drag the snow to the edge of the trailer's roof. Allow the snow to cascade to the ground. Clear as much of the snow as you can from this position.

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      Climb down the ladder when you can't safely reach any snow. Move the ladder to a new position, reascend the ladder and continue removing the snow. Repeat this process until you get to the end of that side of the trailer. Move the ladder to the other side of the trailer and continue raking the snow off the rooftop until all snow has been cleared.