Home Garden

How to Remove Ice From the Roof & Gutter

Roofs are designed to carry the weight of snow and ice. However, freeze-thaw cycles and heavy accumulations can create ice dams on the roof. Ice dams can cause moisture to seep under the shingles and eventually leak into the house. Periodic maintenance to lighten the snow load can prevent too much ice from forming on the roof and in gutters. If it does have to be reduced manually, use simple and safe methods that encourage drainage. Be safe and keep climbing to a minimum, especially in the winter.

Things You'll Need

  • Ladder
  • Safety rope
  • Climbing harness
  • Snow rake
  • Push broom
  • Non-corrosive de-icer, such as CMA calcium magnesium acetate
  • Garden hose
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      Put on the safety harness for any ladder work. Use a safety rope to tie the ladder down. Throw rope over the roof, and secure it on the other side. Fasten to the climbing harness.

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      Clear gutters and downspouts of litter and debris in the fall. Remove snow periodically from the roof with the snow rake and push broom, working from the ground or the ladder.

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      Apply de-icer in paths 1/4-inch deep by 3 inches wide for drainage. On a flat roof, create pathways from the drains to each corner of the roof and around the perimeter. Pour de-icer around skylights, ventilators and other obstructions.

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      Pour hot water from a hose connected to an indoor faucet to melt ice in gutters when the outside temperature warms enough for the gutters to dry before it freezes again. Shovel snow away from the downspout, and remove ice with de-icer or hot water.