Home Garden

How to Clean Tile Roofs With Chemicals

Tiled roofs can add a classic elegance to any home. In addition to looking attractive, tile is also an effective material for holding in heat and blocking extreme weather outside. Unfortunately, tiles can become stained with mold and moss after years outdoors. Cleaning the tiles is a straightforward task. You can remove stains from the tiles and restore the splendor of your home's exterior.

Things You'll Need

  • Push broom
  • Garden sprayer
  • Household bleach
  • Water
  • Garden hose
  • Drop cloths
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      Sweep off loose dirt and debris accumulation on the tile with a wide push broom.

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      Unscrew the cap on the top of a standard garden sprayer and pour in an equal mixture of household bleach and water.

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      Screw the cap firmly onto the garden sprayer and pump it as instructed in the user manual.

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      Spray down the tiles with the bleach solution, paying particular attention to spots covered with mold and mildew. Allow the bleach to work on the stains for 15 minutes before continuing.

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      Scrub down the tiles with the push broom, then rinse the tiles with garden hose to remove the bleach.