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Steel Vs. Concrete Tile Roofs

As with a home's siding, the roof of your home is an extremely important factor in protecting the interior from weather and its related damage. The roof not only provides interior shade --- it also keeps out rain, snow and other unwanted debris. When replacing a roof, it's important to research the different roofing materials available and weigh their pros and cons. This allows you to make an educated decision as to which roofing material, such as steel or concrete tile, will work best for your home.
  1. Steel Roofs

    • Historically, metal roofing materials were a popular choice, particularly in the late 1700s. Today, metal roofing, such as steel roofs, is once again growing in popularity. Metal roofs are durable and fire-resistant. Since they are metal, they can also be molded into a variety of distinct patterns. Steel roofing often comes in a variety of colors, allowing you to seamlessly match the roof to your home's style. These roofs last a long time and are often made from recyclable materials, which makes them eco-friendly, but initially they can be costly to install.

    Concrete Tile Roofs

    • Concrete tile roofing is self-explanatory: Concrete is molded into tiles for use on roofs. This material is believed to have been first developed in the middle of the 19th century in Bavaria, making it a relatively newer option. Depending on the manufacturer, the tile may be coated with an additional material, such as a plastic, thin metal or an enamel. Some concrete tiles may also contain recycled materials, making them somewhat eco-friendly. These tiles have a long lifespan, can be molded to re-create the look of other roofing materials and are resistant to insect damage. As with steel, concrete tile roofs can be particularly expensive to install.


    • Steel roofing and concrete tile roofing can both be molded to match a variety of looks, making both products extremely versatile. Both materials are also insect-resistant and fire-resistant, making them ideal for areas where pests are a problem or in areas where dry heat is an issue. Furthermore, both concrete tile and steel roofs require the knowledge of a professional who has experience with either material, as incorrect installation can result in issues such as leaks or early replacement of the roofing material.


    • In terms of weight, concrete tiles tend to weigh more than steel panels. A square foot of concrete tile can weigh as much as 10 lbs., whereas a square foot of steel roofing can weigh as little as a pound. Furthermore, concrete tiles can be dangerous in areas where earthquakes are common, as they can break through the structure and injure people inside the building. Lastly, concrete tile requires a specially engineered structure to support its weight. Concrete tile can also promote moss growth, so it requires routine power-washing.