Home Garden

How to Repair a Flat Rubber Roof

A flat roof requires a strong barrier to ensure standing water does not leak into a home. Ethylene propylene diene Monomer (EPDM) rubber roofing is a staple covering for flat roofs. Overtime, the seams sealing the connecting points between multiple pieces of rubber roofing breakdown and begin to lift. As the seams lift, leaks begin to form and water begins to cause damage inside your home. Correctly repairing a leaking rubber roof will extend its life and allow it to continue to protect your home from water damage.

Things You'll Need

  • Broom
  • Plastic scraper
  • Paint marker
  • Wire brush
  • Rag
  • Solvent-based EPDM cleaner
  • Scrub brush
  • Butyl seam tape
  • Rubber roller
  • Paintbrush
  • Liquid rubber roof
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    • 1

      Run a broom across all rubber roof seams to remove loose debris, dust and gravel from the area.

    • 2

      Slide the edge of a plastic scraper blade against the edges where the seam tape -- covering the connections -- meets the surface of the rubber roof. Mark all areas of the seam tape that lift when pushed with the scraper blade. Inspect and mark all taped seams. Inspect all open areas of the roof for tears as you check for lifting seams.

    • 3

      Remove old butyl caulk, paint and caked-on debris from the marked areas of the roof by sliding the plastic scraper across the roof and then scuffing the area with a wire brush. Wipe the area with a rag to remove all contaminants from the repair.

    • 4

      Pour a small amount of solvent-based EPDM cleaner on the cleaned area. Scrub the solvent with a scrub brush. Allow the solvent to dry for 15 to 20 minutes.

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      Press butyl seam tape over the cleaned areas. Run a rubber roller over the seam tape to remove air bubbles and bond the tape to the surface of the roof.

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      Dip the bristles of a paintbrush in liquid rubber roof. Brush the liquid rubber roof over the applied butyl seam tape. Continue painting over the tape until it is completely covered and the paint extends at least 2 inches beyond each edge of the tape.