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How to Prevent the Tearing of a Metal Roof From Ice

Ice dams can cause a number of problems to a metal roof, including tearing. An ice dam is essentially a buildup of ice along one area of the roof, usually at the eaves or the bottom of the roof. The problem occurs as ice and snow builds up on the roof. Heat rises from the building and melts the ice, which slowly drips to the end of the roof. As it encounters colder temperatures, it freezes again. In cases of extreme buildup, the ice causes the metal to tear away from the roof, but you can prevent that problem.

Things You'll Need

  • Box fan
  • Ladder
  • Rake
  • Rock salt
  • Chisel
  • Garden hose
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    • 1

      Place a box fan in your attic or a room on the top floor, if your home lacks an attic. Check the room for any signs of water damage or leaks, including mildew. Set the fan near the leak and plug it into a nearby outlet. Aim the fan at the leaking spot. The fan freezes the water and stops the problem.

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      Lean a ladder against one wall of your home and get as close to the roof as possible. Turn a rake upside down with the prongs facing up. Brush the rake across the roof, knocking off any ice or snow before it becomes a problem.

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      Create channels for any melting snow or ice. Dig small areas in the existing ice, making each channel at least 6 inches wide. As the melting snow and ice drips into the channel, it encounters the ice and freezes, which keeps it from damaging the roof.

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      Sprinkle rock salt across the roof. While not everyone agrees that this method works, it might stop some ice from melting and creating a buildup. Sprinkle an even coating of the salt across the roof. The salt melts the ice, forcing it into the channels you created in Step 3.

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      Wait for a warm day when the temperature is above freezing. Standing as close to the roof as possible, turn on the garden hose and aim at the roof. Spray the water over the length of the roof. With the warmer temperatures, the water heats up quickly and helps dislodge any ice, pushing it off the roof before it freezes.