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How to Repair a Roof's Fly Rafter

Part of a roof’s construction includes the fly rafter assembly, particularly on gable-styled roofs. Gable-styled roofs form a steep slope that ends at the fly rafter beams. Fly rafters sit perpendicular to the rafters that frame the roof and provide support for a roof’s overhang section. Repairing a fly rafter requires the removal of the overhang, roof shingles and gutter sections.

Things You'll Need

  • Ladder
  • Prybar
  • Hammer
  • Wood stud (for fly rafter)
  • Circular saw
  • Tape measure
  • Nails, steel-galvanized
  • Roofing Nails
  • Roof Sealant
  • Safety goggles
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      Position a ladder underneath the roof’s overhang, or eave. Remove the gutter, overhang section and any roofing shingles that hang over the roof. Use a prybar to remove overhang structures. The overhang section includes a fascia board, which runs along the underside of the eave. The fascia board also has a supporting beam — also known as a soffit — that runs to the wall of the house.

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      Remove the fly rafter board with a prybar. Roof shingles hanging above the fly rafter may also require removal.

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      Cut fly rafter sections with a circular saw based on the dimensions of the existing fly rafter board. In general, fly rafters should be one size smaller than the roof rafters. So, roof rafters sized at 2-by-10 would require a 2-by-8 size fly rafter board.

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      Nail the fly rafter board to the roof rafters using galvanized steel nails. Use two nails for each roof rafter.

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      Replace the row of shingles removed. Use galvanized nails to secure shingles to the roof surface. Apply roof sealant where nails pass through shingle materials.

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      Replace soffit and fascia boards. Because the soffit board provides the bracing for the overhang structure, a rotting board may warrant replacement. So check the condition of the board beforehand.

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      Replace the gutters using a hammer and nails.