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How to Fix a Sliding Toilet

Few things are more annoying than trying to sit on a toilet only to slip because of a sliding toilet seat. This is a common problem on toilets, typically because of normal wear and tear or lack of maintenance. Toilet seats attach to toilet bowls with nuts and bolts for a secure fit. Many times tightening these bolts solves the problem of a sliding seat. Sometimes the fasteners break off, though; resolving this issue requires the installation of a completely new toilet seat.

Things You'll Need

  • Screwdriver
  • Adjustable wrench
  • Tape measure
  • Toilet seat
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    • 1

      Test the toilet seat to see if it is loose. Wiggle the seat with your hands. Observe if only one side is loose or both. Use the screwdriver to pry off the plastic bolt cap on the back of the toilet seat. Insert the screwdriver into the right bolt holding the toilet seat to the toilet. Take the adjustable wrench and fit it to the right bolt beneath the toilet. Hold the screwdriver steady while turning the adjustable wrench to tighten the right bolt nut.

    • 2

      Check the toilet seat to see if this solved the problem. Repeat Step 1 on the left-side bolt if the toilet seat is loose still. Recheck the toilet seat for tightness; if the seat moves around it is time for a new toilet seat. Measure the broken toilet seat before purchasing a new one to ensure it fits.

    • 3

      Remove the old toilet seat. Pry open the plastic bolt caps on the back of the toilet seat. Use the screwdriver to hold the right bolt in place. Apply the adjustable wrench to the underside of the right bolt nut and unscrew. Repeat this process for the left bolt. Lift the old toilet seat upward off the toilet base.

    • 4

      Pick up the new toilet seat. Align the bolts into place with the holes on the toilet base. Gently push the bolts through the holes on the toilet base. Use the screwdriver to hold the right bolt in place. Place the right nut onto the right bolt sticking out underneath the toilet base. Hand-tighten the right nut. Repeat this process for the left bolt and nut.

    • 5

      Check the toilet seat for proper placement. Center the toilet seat if needed. Use the screwdriver to hold the bolt in place. Secure the toilet seat to the toilet base by using the adjustable wrench to tighten the bolt nuts. Sit down on the toilet seat to test the installation.