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How to Replace a Pivot Rod Under a Sink

The pivot rod is the part of the sink’s stopper assembly that actually contacts the stopper. The stopper has an opening on its end, which the pivot rod goes through. When you move the lift rod on the back of the sink’s faucet, it in turn moves a clevis strap attached on the other end, under the sink. One end of the pivot rod sits in the clevis strap. Before you replace the pivot rod, check the screw on the clevis strap where the lift rod sits, since a loose screw can cause the stopper to not move.

Things You'll Need

  • Bucket
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    • 1

      Place a bucket under the sink’s drainpipes to catch any water that might come out of the tailpiece. Rotate the retaining nut on the side of the sink’s tailpiece counterclockwise, unthreading the nut.

    • 2

      Pinch both sides of the spring clip that holds the pivot rod in the clevis strap’s hole. Pull the pivot rod out of the sink’s tailpiece, and then slide it out of the clevis strap.

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      Slide a new rubber gasket, washer and retaining nut onto the long end of the new pivot rod. Point the threads on the retaining nut towards the ball on the other end of the pivot rod.

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      Insert the long end of the pivot rod through the spring clip and the hole in the clevis strap. Pinch the spring clip again as you slide the ball end of the pivot rod into the opening in the sink’s tailpiece, stopping once the ball sits completely inside the opening.

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      Slide the rubber gasket, washer and retaining nut to the threaded opening in the tailpiece. Turn the retaining nut clockwise, threading it onto the tailpiece’s opening until it is tight.