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How to Paint Crown Molding

Crown molding adds elegance and beauty to any room. Painting crown molding can create a more contemporary look. The color you paint the crown molding will bring out other highlights of the room, blend it all together, or accentuate the architecture of the room.

Things You'll Need

  • Paintable caulk
  • Beveled paint brush
  • Primer
  • Paint roller
  • Paint
  • Painter's tape
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      Fill in any gaps between the crown molding and ceiling or wall with the caulk. Smooth the caulk so the intersection between the crown molding and the ceiling appear seamless. Let the caulk dry completely before continuing. Painting over the caulk is the easiest way to cover up any carpentry mistakes that may have been made prior to or during installation.

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      Tape off the edges of the crown molding. The paint should not end up on the wall or ceiling close to the molding.

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      Apply one coat of primer to the entire length of crown molding. Use a beveled brush and stroke from side to side. Let dry.

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      Roll on a base coat of your chosen paint color. Let the paint dry.

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      Add a second coat of your paint with a brush, using side-to-side strokes. Let the paint dry.

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      Touch up any spots that still look uneven.

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      Remove the tape while the paint is still a little wet. Removing the tape after the paint dries completely can cause peeling of the paint from the molding.