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How to Repair Paint on a Metal Roof

Metallic surfaces are ill-suited for new finishes and will reject paint unless they are treated with an acidic base primer. If the paint on your metal roof is flaking, improper preparation is most likely the culprit. Repair the failing paint, using the proper preparation and application techniques, or you will see a recurrence of the problem. Employ the right removal tools, or you may make the process more difficult than it should be.

Things You'll Need

  • Pressure washer
  • Extension ladder
  • Plastic putty knife
  • 120-grit sandpaper
  • Coarse plastic brush
  • Tack cloths
  • Galvanized metal etching spray primer
  • Touch-up paint
  • 2- to 3-inch polyester paintbrush
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    • 1

      Examine the safety guide on the side of the extension ladder. Access the metal roof, using the ladder.

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      Clean the entire metal roof, using the pressure washer. Wait three to four hours for the roof to dry.

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      Scrape off large strips of peeling paint, using a plastic putty knife. Smooth the edges of stubborn bits of chipping paint, using 120-grit sandpaper.

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      Dust the area with a coarse plastic brush. Eliminate unseen dust created during the sanding process by wiping the area with tack cloths.

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      Coat areas of bare metal, exposed during the removal process, with galvanized metal etching spray primer. Wait four hours for the primer to dry.

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      Coat the metal roof with touch-up paint, using a 2- to 3-inch polyester paintbrush.