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How to Paint an Indoor Concrete Block Fireplace

Concrete surfaces are porous, which means that the surface absorbs liquids. Painting a concrete block fireplace requires the use of a sealant or primer that keeps paint from soaking into the concrete. When you add a fresh coat of paint, you spruce up the old fireplace and give it a new look. The paint hides stains, scuff marks and a wide range of other damages the ruin the overall look of the room.

Things You'll Need

  • Plastic tarp
  • Wire brush
  • Gloves
  • Goggles
  • Tri-sodium phosphate (TSP)
  • Scrub brush
  • Concrete patch
  • Trowel
  • Fine-grit sandpaper
  • Concrete sealant
  • Paintbrush
  • Concrete primer
  • Paint roller
  • Paint
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      Lay a plastic tarp down on the floor surrounding the fireplace. Rub a wire brush over the fireplace, scraping off any old paint or dusty surfaces. While wearing gloves and goggles, clean the concrete with TSP and a scrub brush. Rinse the concrete with fresh water and let dry completely.

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      Cover any holes, chips or damaged areas on the concrete with concrete patch. Apply the patch with a trowel and smooth the trowel across the top. After the patch dries, rub fine-grit sandpaper over the concrete until it sits flush with the fireplace.

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      Apply a thin layer of concrete sealant to the fireplace, using a paintbrush. The sealant blocks the surface of the concrete and keeps rain or moisture from moving through the concrete and causing peeling of the paint or primer.

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      Paint the primer on top of the sealant with a paint roller. Once the primer dries, go back over the fireplace with a paintbrush, reaching any areas you missed with the roller, including in between the blocks. The primer reduces the amount of paint needed on the fireplace.

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      Coat the fireplace with an even layer of paint applied with a paint roller. As you did with the primer, use a paintbrush and fill in the hard-to-reach areas. After the first coat dries, apply additional coats until the paint reaches the desired color.