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How to Scrape & Paint My Porch

Nothing says spring like a fresh coat of pain on your porch. But before you go crazy and start getting out your coveralls and paint rollers, remember that you have to fully remove the paint currently on your porch before you add a splash of color. Removing all of that old paint now will ensure that your new color goes on and dries smoothly and evenly, and may help it last longer, too.

Things You'll Need

  • Paint stripper
  • Paintbrushes
  • Plastic paint scraper
  • Water
  • Bucket
  • Sponge
  • Fan
  • Disposable cup or container
  • Floor or outside paint
  • Wide paint rollers
  • Paint trays
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  1. Removing the Existing Paint

    • 1

      Fill your bucket with warm water and 2 tbsp. of mild detergent.

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      Wash the entire porch where you will be removing the paint with the sponge and soapy water.

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      Set the fan to blow on the porch and wait until it dries.

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      Apply the paint stripper to the porch where you would like to remove the paint. Use the paintbrush to apply the stripper in even strokes, and try to avoid brushing multiple layers of stripper in the same area. Allow the stripper to dry according to the manufacturer's directions. Position the fan to blow on the porch to help speed the drying process.

    • 5

      Scrape the paint off the porch, using the plastic scraper, and dispose of the old paint in the disposable container.

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      Wash the porch again, using the sponge and soapy water mixture, once you have finished scraping off the paint. Allow the porch to dry.

    Painting the Porch

    • 7

      Pour the floor paint into your paint tray, and paint the edges of your porch, steps and any railings first, using a paintbrush and coating the wood fully.

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      Paint the remainder of your porch with a clean paint roller, coating the surface of your porch fully.

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      Set the fan to blow directly onto the porch and allow it to dry.

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      Apply two more coats of paint and allow to dry.